About Course

Startups are the new norm as a career for the new generation. If the startup turns out successful, you will be an inspiration, but what if the startup fails (FYI, 90% of the startups fail in the first 5 years of inception), Do you have a backup plan?

They have an idea, pitch it to investors, get it done with the funding, hire co-founders & invest in technologies and manpower to run it. But, by the time a startup was built & running, we do not actually get credit for what we had for ours.

Your idea & company is not yours completely, rather building the product properly, you actually be behind making it stand in the market, answering investors, not claiming everything that is yours, adjusting & compromising. But, all that can’t be needed if you bootstrap it. This helps you with a sense of relief & ultimate focus on building the product.

Here, you learn how to begin startups with NO FUND (You don’t have to spend money to startup at all), NO CO-FOUNDERS & NO TECHIES.

This whole course provider is also one such example that built with “0” cost which is why the pricing of the courses are far less compared to similar course providers.

Are you looking to bootstrap (or) looking where & how to startup with no money but, just the idea?
This course is for you.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Create Brand Identity & Free tools
  • Learn all Basic Google Tools
  • An alternative to Google
  • Social Media Platforms & The Best Practices - SMM
  • Learn SEO & Digital Marketing
  • Lead Generation by AI (E-Book) & free (b/v)logs
  • 50+ Free Marketing Tools
  • Leads through/not Campaigns
  • Free Webmails for Employees
  • Domain Hosting & Server Configurations (Free & Paid)
  • Word Press Designing & Payment Gateway Integration
  • Forever Free HR & Payroll Software
  • Monetize website & Content (with AdSense & Non-Adsense)
  • All-in-one Marketing Tool & CRM (Forever Free) + "BONUS"
  • Create a Mobile App & Submit to Play Store.

Course Content

BONUS 1: Free Daily Digital Marketing & SEO Tools
The list of tools is started from the next course, but the top 3 tools are provided as a bonus that are must be needed in digital marketing daily use. This is the 1st most used tool

  • BONUS 1: Free Daily Digital Marketing & SEO Tools – Tool 1

BONUS 2: Free Daily Digital Marketing & SEO Tools
The list of tools is started from the next course, but the top 3 tools are provided as a bonus that are must be needed in digital marketing daily use. This is the 2nd most used tool.

BONUS 3: Free Daily Digital Marketing & SEO Tools
The list of tools is started from the next course, but the top 3 tools are provided as a bonus that are must be needed in digital marketing daily use. This is the 3rd most used tool

Chapter 1: Create Brand Identity & Free tools
Digital Marketing varies for every brand & if you don't understand your brand, the thing you are doing is not Digital Marketing at all.

Chapter 2: Learn all Basic Google Tools
The best way to build your brand is, to begin with, your presence on all the google tools.

Chapter 3: An alternative to Google
Everything has competition, even the mighty Google is not an exception.

Chapter 4: Social Media Marketing (SMM) & The Best Practices
The social media tools shown here are not the only ones being used, but our motto is to show the top used social media channels used on average in almost every industry.

Chapter 5: Learn SEO & Digital Marketing
Well, you know what they say, SEO is a part of Digital Marketing but yet, SEO has the capability to serve solo. You know, What I mean!

Chapter 6: Lead Generation by AI (E-Book) & free (b/v)logs
Lead Generation techniques using the combination of multiple Artificial Intelligence-powered tools help you achieve great results, which you get it here for free along with the access to YouTube Channel with ample tools updated timely forever free.

Chapter 7: 50+ Free Marketing Tools

Chapter 8: Leads through & not Campaigns

Chapter 9: Web mails for Employees @ ZERO Cost

Chapter 10: Domain Hosting & Server Configurations (Free & Paid)

Chapter 11: Word Press Designing & Payment Gateway Integration

Chapter 12: Kickoff Startup – Core Startup Elements, Startup Elements, HR & Payroll – Forever Free

Chapter 13: Kickoff Startup – Monetize website & Content (with AdSense & Non-AdSense)

Chapter 14: Kickoff Startup – Create Mobile App & Submit to Multiple App Stores
Though it won't vary much for each store, we are showing only the example of the vastly used Google Play Store.

Chapter 15: Kickoff Startup – All-in-one Marketing & CRM Tool (Forever Free)

BONUS 4: Kickoff Startups Bonus Tools
Why Summary? Just dwell on the bonus.

BONUS 5: Kickoff Startups Bonus Tools
As said earlier, Why Summary? Just dwell on the bonus.

BONUS 6: Kickoff Startups Bonus Tools
You Again!

Student Ratings & Reviews

Total 15 Ratings
15 Ratings
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0 Rating
4 years ago
3 things to say,

1. You get it for 98% discount of what is provided in the market & the course structure was well streamlined into modules not available in many courses.
2. Their reason for low pricing was due to the quality of the audio (which can be improved as it is made from free tools) & some extra content was expected by me for app creation.
3. Yes, but they can still charge 10X more than what these guys are charging. They mentioned ,It was originally designed for free circulation, but the minimal charge was needed to create the seriousness among the readers.

Loved the course.
4 years ago
3 things to say,

1. You get it for 98% discount of what is provided in the market & the course structure was well streamlined into modules not available in many courses.
2. Their reason for low pricing was due to the quality of the audio (which can be improved as it is made from free tools) & some extra content was expected by me for app creation.
3. Yes, but they can still charge 10X more than what these guys are charging. They mentioned ,It was originally designed for free circulation, but the minimal charge was needed to create the seriousness among the readers.

Loved the course.
4 years ago
The startup course is as constructive as free tools are really can build a startup.
Even the name of the course is like kicking it off, just like that.
4 years ago
for everyone who wants to start the career in the Marketing, this is a better start than many millionaire funnels online.
If the passion of being an entrepreneur is controlled by money, then this is no more a problem.
Everything here is almost free, almost 98%.
I vouch for the course.

4 years ago
Awesome and informative courses for entrepreneurs stuck with just ideas to startup. Thanks a lot to the Team for the efforts & putting across this curriculum.

A live work on a Startup is just the USP of the course & of course I can see a lot of changes in the homeo website than the one shown, guess the startup is taking new shapes with a lot of improvements.

Good luck & Thanks guys.
4 years ago
No clutter man, simply explained content.
If not for 2-3 hourly content, everything was in place.
Course is a perfect fit from no body to an Entrepreneur.

Well done & Thanks for reaching out to me with cold email, would have missed it.

the final but important part, pricing was worth it, less than half of what other PG certification providers has to offer.
4 years ago
The basic cost of these courses checked in many platforms was no less than $2000 & these guys are providing the same with extra sausage & neatly cooked meals at around 1/10th, I thought, Is this fake?

But, time spent on the curriculum design made me take the shot & go for it. I have been in to marketing for about 10 years now and seen all the other courses in the market and this is wiping the floor with the cost advantage.

Of course, There are better ways to present the lessons, audio, but since everything was made with zero cost, had my attention to check this out.

Content is killer here & I would recommend the same to some of my team members in previous company.

Suggestion: Can the name, bADboyZ be changed to better one?

Have a look, Thank you.
4 years ago
Hey, I wish to start a course structure on bitcoins using these tools, can I get some suggestions if I share my website!
This course is damn good but, certification from any university will add super mileage to it.

I will surely recommend to my friends, Thanks man.
4 years ago
Well done you guys.

The "Kickoff Startup" course is one of its kind & includes all the essentials that are covered at one place. No other course provider has done this as per my knowledge, This is what makes this course very special & the fee is almost 1/10th of all the big course providers.

Though it has audible issues, it makes to a 5 star rating for all the free content & tools with this level of precision like all the other big fat funded course providers.

I would recommend this to all who are enthusiastic & looking to just startup without any dependency.

Blown away.
4 years ago
Suggestion: Improve the audio for few videos & this will be the kickass course for entrepreneurs.
Keep adding new techniques & tools under the sections & please inform us regularly to retained customers.
Expected little more in mobile web app section, please add more videos into that section.
4 years ago
The free webmail app is not allowing on the mobile as it is free. It is okay but, if there is a hack to make it work, let me know on my email, the same question is sent to startup@badboyz.org.
Course is good.
4 years ago

I have finished all the lessons & practiced individually & I can recall them anytime.
All I want now is the certificate of expertise that is available on your home page not the certificate of completion. It takes time to create the website & share it to get that certificate.
But, if you can give this certificate, this will help us in our resume to get the job.
4 years ago
Audio could be improved but the content is worth learning.
Content flow is really what the USP of this just startup courses.
Thank you but, please improve the audio from further courses.
4 years ago
Loved the course to the max, only the app part can be little more as it is difficult to find all together at one place.
5 star just because the course structure was nice with good explanation.
Cost was the real deal for the number of tutorials provided.

Cons: Voice should have been little clear in some lessons.
Overall, thank you for the course with this kind of all in one course.
4 years ago
Really an awesome piece of Tutorial & content was well curated & scripted. little hiccups technically but the rest is cool.
As your guy initially contacted me to register for the course, It's really worth 10 times what I paid for the course.